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Process Supporter

Process Supporters tend to be most comfortable in environments with procedural rules and strong logistical routines.

Process Supporter

>Description :
Process Supporters tend to be most comfortable in environments with procedural rules and strong logistical routines. They're determinedly organized and prefer practical plans to complex ones.
Process Supporters don't necessarily need to see every step in a solution and, in fact, may believe that tediously going through every logic-laden, detailed step impedes action.

>Easier :
1.Laying out a plan on paper, map, or diagram and working through the steps sequentially.
2.Recognizing when others aren't following established plans.
3.Creating outlines and notecards as you gather information for writing or presentations.

>Difficult :
1.Thinking through a series of steps without writing them down.
2.Recognizing flaws in a plan before problems happen.
3.Organizing ideas in a paper, letter, orinstruction without writing an outline or rough draft first.
4.Speaking about unfamiliar material on the fly.

>Results Show :
1.You like having procedures and routines already in place, so you can perform your best.
2.You don’t get bogged down by process for its own sake: why reinvent the organizational wheel?
3.Tools like calendars and schedulers anchor and free you to do your best work.

>Aptitude Awareness :
You may have a large mental closet without a bunch of hooks, shelves, drawers, and hangers to organize different pieces of information. You're at your best using physical organization tools like notes, files, labels, calendars, and established routines to keep information and ideas in order.
You may prefer to establish andstick to specific routines and are most comfortable when your daily tasks are organized in advance.

>Tips :
1.When beginning a new project or task, give yourself a little extra time to prioritize your activities and develop a step-by-step plan of approach.
2.Free yourself. Put your plan in place and then make it work for you.
3. Avoid unstructured environments and open-ended assignments.
4..Use physical filing and organization systems and calendars to organize your time most efficiently and minimize the stress of having to create new plans for every situation.
5.Do yourself a big favor. Keep your work space organized and uncluttered. Rely on a detailed calendar, and use that alarm onyour phone.
6.Develop and use good note taking strategies. They will be your lifelines when things get hectic or unpredictable.

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