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Note User

Note Users know that numbers and data are important and are tuned into numbers that are important to them like special dates, deadlines, or account numbers.

Note User

>Description :
Note Users know that numbers and data are important and are tuned into numbers that are important to them like special dates, deadlines, or account numbers. They have to make a concerted effort to memorize or record them in a safe place for referral, so they're unlikely to forget important data after exerting such effort toward committing them to memory.

>Easier :
1.Remembering numbers with few digits
2.Relying on others or knowing where to go for important numerical information, such as datesor prices
3.Recalling numbers one at a time while focusedon remembering them

>Difficult :
1.Maintaining street addresses in your memory aftera single visit
2.Remembering numbers while learning other information
3.Recalling several numbers atonce
4.Remembering multiple digit numbers

>Results Show :
1.You don’t use up brain space for lists of numbers.
2.You know they’re important –dates, deadlines, passwords, account numbers – but your own memory plus a handy notebook is best.
3.If a project is due on a certain date, or an important anniversary is coming up, use a reminder system!

>Aptitude Awareness :
Memorizing passwords and PIN codes is challenging for you, so you may have to develop some tricks to help you along. You have very important numbers memorized. Those you don't, you need to record in a specific place. Numbers don't automatically stick to you. You're more likely to write them down, look them up, or askothers.
Numbers and nonessential data aren't somethingyou really pay much attention to. You know to record important numbers in a safe place you can easily access.

>Tips :
1.Give yourself time to practice codes repeatedly so that they are committed to your long-term memory where you can draw upon them with greater ease.
2.To commit a code to memory, try linking it to an event date that means something to you personally.
3.Store important numbers safely in mobile devices, handwritten journals, or computers
4.Use the same passwords and codes where possible without security risk.
5.When learning or recalling numbers, do it with singular focus and not while you're preoccupied.

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