Blended Energizers
Blended Energizers balance the traits of introversion and extroversion.

>Description :
Blended Energizers balance the traits of introversion and extroversion. They can do well in a group setting and active interaction, but they also need time to recharge their inner batteries. They tend to be flexible in how they communicate with others. They can talk openly about a wide range of topics, but also like to take time to process their thoughts before expressing them.
While Blended Energizers might hold back in a large crowd, they're assertive and easily assume leadership roles if necessary. They may seem guarded in initial introductions, but they quickly open up as others become more familiar to them.
>Easier :
1.Interacting with people you don't know on a personal level yet
2.Finding common topics to discuss
3.Speaking about topics you haven't previously thought much about
4.Reflecting on topics before expressing your opinions
>Difficult :
1.Interacting with a lot of new people at once
2.Being isolated from others for too long
3.Interjecting yourself into an existing group
4.Handling simultaneous conversations at the same time
>Results Show :
1. You balance the traits of introversion and extroversion.
2. You can do well in a group setting and with active interaction, but you also need time to recharge your inner battery.
3.You can talk openly about a wide range of topics.
4. You might hold back in a large crowd, but you’re assertive and can easily assume leadership roles.
5.You may come across as guarded when you’re first introduced to strangers, but you quickly open up as you come to know them.
>Aptitude Awareness :
You can speak to various people about any topic without much challenge, but eventually, you'll find it draining. You easily focus on more than one person at a time and can keep track of multiple conversations simultaneously, yet you prefer to focus on fewer relationships. You notice if someone's drained, overwhelmed, or disinterested by social interaction without feeling the need to "get them out of their shell." You notice when others are trying to interject but can't seem to find the opening in the conversation.
>Tips :
1.Your energy comes from groups and solitude. Make sure your inner battery stays charged by making time for both.
2.You're sensitive to those less outgoing than you. You can be their bridge into the group.
3.Use your knack for making all kinds of people comfortable.