Advanced Numerical Computer
Advanced Numerical Computers keep a running tab of numbers in their heads at all times.

>Description :
Advanced Numerical Computers keep a running tab of numbers in their heads at all times. They're most likely unaware that other people don't keep mental tabs on timetables, tip rates, or how much they have spent on a shopping spree. They excel at mental calculations and can provide solutions quickly. They enjoy the foreign travel challenge of "thinking in another currency.
>Easier :
1.Keeping a running tally of calculations such as bank balances, time, or distances.
2.Converting temperature equivalencies (i.e., Centigrade to Fahrenheit)
3.Making multiple calculations in your head simultaneously
>Difficult :
1.Remembering that others do not mentally keep a running tally or naturally schedule time efficiently
2.Planning events without having the commitment of others to a schedule
3.Waiting for others to solve an arithmetic equation (like translating inches to centimeters) or provide numerical information
>Results Show :
1.Remembering that others do not mentally keep a running tally or naturally schedule time efficiently
2.Planning events without having the commitment of others to a schedule
3.Waiting for others to solve an arithmetic equation (like translating inches to centimeters) or provide numerical information
>Aptitude Awareness :
You know exactly how long it takes the train to reach the station! Your mind can run two different calculations while considering mileage and distance. What may look like an unfinished puzzle to someone else is a clear picture in your mind. You can keep track of multiple calculations simultaneously even though you may not be aware you're doing it. You can also multitask while making calculations because it is so automatic for you that it takes little conscious attention on your part.
>Tips :
1.Put this gift to good use. Volunteer to keep the books, divide the check, or keep the score.
2.Find ways to enjoy this skill for yourself. Find the math in the everyday.
3.Trust the math in your head. Your estimates won't be "guess"timates.