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Build 90 different models! Explore your construction potentials with the 90 in 1 MOTORIZED models package! The set contains a selection of mechanical constructions that are fun to build and can be educational too. These include a Balance scale and a Grabber with parallel linkages; a Cart, a Catapult, a See-saw and a Wheelbarrow for learning about levers; a Well for wheels and axles; a House for learning about the importance of triangulation in structures and much more! You can also find cars, motorbikes, airplanes and helicopters of different types and sizes. Unique models are featured as well such as two types of Radars (mobile and stationary), an amazing Space Jet, a Sail boat, a Hatchback Trailer and even an 8-legged Tarantula!

Key Features: 
*Snap-fit connectivity in any direction and angle.
*Extraction tool for easy disassembly. 
*Easy-to-follow building instructions.
*All parts are non-toxic and made to last. Vibrant red coloured parts. 
*Battery-operated 3V motor included with dual rotating direction switch.
*Printed instruction are included for 4 main models in each set. 
*All models can be assembled by downloading the free internet instructions , available at Engino website. All models are available as interactive 3D instructions viewed either from a PC or from smartphones and tablets through the ENGINO 3D Viewer app (kidCAD), downloadable for free in Android, Apple (iOs) and Windows mobile operating systems.

Product Material: ABS Plastic and TPE


SKU: S11
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